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Choose a Nickel
What is cent account can be found in the special article on our website. The first real account opened currency speculators, should not constitute a significant capital for the trader. While the person does not have sufficient knowledge until the merchant has not made necessary for successful trading skills, the speculator is better not to risk their capital. Just for such purposes related to the teaching trade, as well as for testing systems, perfect cent account, so-called their platform nice. Briefly recall the main features of this type of deposits:
1. The balance of Deposit funds will not be displayed in US dollars and in cents. For example, if the client will increase the Deposit of 10 USD, then in the terminal it will see 1,000 cents.
2. The minimum lot size available for trading will be much smaller than a full account.
3. DTS may limit the number of simultaneously open trades, as well as the maximum allowed total volume for all positions. For example, there may be such a condition that it is impossible to simultaneously keep open more than 10 transactions and their total volume cannot exceed 5 lots.
Nickel and "big brother"
In another their platform nice Forex similar to their "older brothers". However, you should pay attention to some features of those or other offers from various companies. Cent option may be with a fixed spread, which is higher than the average spread value on the same trading instrument at the classic Deposit.
Therefore, going with a demo account where the spread was floating, as in a classical Deposit, it is necessary to pay attention to what the Commission will need to pay for exactly the same trade on the Nickel.
Some companies on their sites place a table that shows values of spreads for different account types for different trading instruments. The difference may be in the service, limiting the possibility of a client using a Nickel. In terms of speed of execution, as a rule, there is no difference. There are exceptions in those companies whose number of customers is not the classical accounts, and therefore the load on the server standard deposits will be much less.
If a trader needs to trade high leverage like 1:1000, it is just a cent account will be what you need. Some DC do not distinguish between the types of accounts and offer them the same conditions at the maximum amount of shoulder. In other organizations it standard variants will have worse performance.
As a rule, the "younger" deposits open most quickly. It is very convenient if you want in a matter of minutes to make any option and start working.
Exemplary Nickel
Traders should understand that the Nickel is the hallmark of DC, the Organization is well aware of, and therefore the best trading conditions get it to the launch options. The logic is simple and lies in the fact that people who are interested in trading, not ready from the outset to risk their capital.
He wants to make sure that the quality of services provided by the broker, and their abilities of currency speculator. If its all happy, the client is often in the same company opens itself more serious for work. Thus, DC can't afford to spend on a beginner trader a good impression.
The beauty of their platform nice that they can quickly open, fill up only a couple of dollars and trade. By taking just a small amount of money, a person has the ability to test from a number of organizations, choosing for his serious work, the one which is on a trial Deposit will satisfied trader. All of this allows the speculator to test the interests of his company and make your choice.
Category: Forex | Added by: (05.11.2017)
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